Just letting you know that Brisbane Electrical will be taking a well urned break over Easter and our office will be closed from and including Friday 1...
Choosing The Right Electrical Retailer – You Have The Power!
In Queensland, there are around 1.6 million residential and 200,000+ commercial electricity consumers. That’s a lot of power to supply. 2007 saw tha...
Curious about the state of energy in Australia?
Australian Energy week is a national conference held in Australia, uniquely positioned to offer the most comprehensive national energy sector coverage...
5 Top Tips for keeping safe with appliances in your home.
Here are our 5 top tips to keeping safe with applicances in your home: Keep it clearMake sure appliances like televisions and computer monitors (which...
How Eco-Energy Efficient is My Home?
There are hundreds of tips on how to conserve energy such as added insulation, upgrading windows and minimizing wastes. However, nothing wil...
5 easy ways to spot a dodgy Electrical Contractor (and what you should do if you think you have one working on your home)!
No matter the industry (and in spite of the associated regulations) there is always a bottom feeder ready to take advantage of people. People that wan...
Which Bulb Would Edison Choose?
Although the first inventor was an Italian, Alessandro Volta, nearly 80 years before our beloved Edison, they would both be amazed at the progress tha...